Monday, May 01, 2006

Character Backgrounds:
This is the first model sheet I drew, since then we've decided against the invisible arms and legs, the clothing, and most likely the faces. It still serves to show the personalities of the two characters; the cherry, Red is a pirate, while the olive, Pimento is a samurai/ninja.

Red was born on an island of exiled convicts, and he survived by fighting tooth and nail to defend his life. When a new government was instated on the mainland, the convicts were pardoned for their crimes and over the years the island became a port as naval troops and civilians settled there. The town expanded to the hillside facing the ocean as the settlers got rich, and grew into a small jewel in the sea.

Red was 15 before he saw his first pirate ship, it was past midnight and Red was dozing on a ridge just South of the town when he spotted it. All the lights on the ship were out to mask it's presence, but Red spotted the black shape moving across the reflections on the waves. Two cannon shots rang out as the pirates crippled the navy ship at dock. Sensing what was about to happen, Red ran down the hill towards the town as the pirates began their bombardment of the port. By the time he arrived at the edge of town, all that was left was fruit salad. He was spotted by the crew and captured, and the very next day he was put to work on the ship, hauling in the anchor, swabbing the deck, and soon Red became accustomed to the life of a pirate.

Pimento also lost his parents when he was very young, everyone in his village was wiped out by an unknown outside force. He was adopted by Gamon Kai, who went on to start a martial arts school. Pimento excelled at swordsmanship, driven in hopes of impressing his adopted father, and became the best in the school behind his father and master. He began teaching at 16, and by the time he was 20 had several successful pupils of his own.

It was about this time that a traveller arrived at the school, looking for Gamon Kai. This man turned out to be the only other survivor from Pimento's clan, and was tracking down the person responsible for the massacre. When Pimento realized that his master was the one who had killed his family and all those close to him, he swore that Gamon would die by his hand.

"Is that so?" Gamon replied as he slid open the door. The two clanmates were surrounded, but armed and determined. "You will pay for what you did," Pimento told Gamon and lunged at his master. Gamon cried out to his guards, "Do not interfere!" as the two clashed swords. They fought their way through the school, and then Gamon lay down his sword. "Take my life and be satisfied," he said, and Pimento lopped off his head.

After that, Pimento left the school to rot and wandered the land. He survived by becoming a bodyguard for caravans and diplomats, avoiding the large cities in favor of country folk. That way he was able to earn enough so he could eat and still continue practicing his sword play. His brow is constantly furrowed because of the guilt of killing his master, so he is often mistaken to have a foul temper. Yet in fact he protects his calm and gentle nature from the harsh life he lives.


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