Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Frame time division:

This is the list of the rendered frames that each of us were responsible for. This list includes the full number of animated frames each of us submitted for the final. In addition, I merged the other team member's animations into a final unified layout, created cameras(every angle/movement except in Tiki Climb), rendered, and edited the project together in it's final stages. Much of my animation relies on camera movent and setting up the story, while Jon covered the majority of the character animation and did a great job on the sword fighting. Paul had surgery on Thursday before the final was due and wasn't able to complete the ending, Jon has animated a replacement and it will be edited together with music and uploaded again.

Mark 570 frames
Title Bar Fall: 70 frames
-Martini Dolly-In: 96 frames
-Tiki Dolly-In: 96 frames
Tiki Across Bar: 90 frames
Pimento Relaxing: 85 frames
Pimento Startled: 140 frames
Cherry Splat: 135 frames
Pimento Vault: 50 frames

Paul 374 frames
Tiki Climb: 310 frames
Cartwheel: 64 frames

Jon 605 frames
Pimento Land: 115 frames
Pimento Point: 100 frames
Swordfight 1: 100 frames
Swordfight 2: 90 frames
Swordfight 3: 100 frames
Cherry sword pickup: 100 frames

Monday, June 12, 2006

The version that I turned in is now on Google Video, I'm still waiting for Jon's final stab animation so I can add that to the latest version with music.

View it here.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Final bar layout is uploaded here. I couldn't get 4.2 to merge in that version, but it has some nice things like liquid in the glasses.

Here's what I've got so far out of our shot list, *'s mean I don't have them or they aren't done.

Scene1 (Mark's)
shot 1-LS to MS Pimento relaxes in a martini
shot 2-LS Cherry moves left to right on tiki across bar
shot 3-CU tiki hits martini and Pimento reacts
shot 4-LS Cherry vaults over martini glass using straw but splats into another glass
shot 5-MS Pimento vaults over side of martini glass
*shot 6-Pimento lands
*shot 7-Cherry gets up and shakes himself off
*shot 8-Pimento makes threatening motions
*shot 9-Cherry flips up sword with his foot, swings it about, and then charges Pimento

Scene 2 (Jonothan)
*shot 1-Pimento does a cartwheel to get himself a weapon
*shot 2-MS Pimento and Cherry fence one another
*shot 3-CU Pimento disarms Cherry
*shot 4-CU sword flies through the air
*shot 5-LS sword lands in front of tiki
*shot 6-Cherry retreats to his sword

Scene 3 (Paul)
*shot 1-Pimento chases Cherry towards tiki
*shot 2-Cherry backflips onto tiki
shot 3-Pimento climbs up face of tiki, Cherry swings at him
shot 3(continued)-Pimento backflips to beertaps, Cherry jumps after him
*shot 4-MS Pimento kicks Cherry off the beer taps
*shot 5-CU Cherry flying backwards
*shot 6-Cherry landing
*shot 7-Pimento jumping down at camera
*shot 8-Cherry is stabbed, then he stabs Pimento

Friday, June 02, 2006