Final bar layout is uploaded here. I couldn't get 4.2 to merge in that version, but it has some nice things like liquid in the glasses.
Here's what I've got so far out of our shot list, *'s mean I don't have them or they aren't done.
Scene1 (Mark's)
shot 1-LS to MS Pimento relaxes in a martini
shot 2-LS Cherry moves left to right on tiki across bar
shot 3-CU tiki hits martini and Pimento reacts
shot 4-LS Cherry vaults over martini glass using straw but splats into another glass
shot 5-MS Pimento vaults over side of martini glass
*shot 6-Pimento lands
*shot 7-Cherry gets up and shakes himself off
*shot 8-Pimento makes threatening motions
*shot 9-Cherry flips up sword with his foot, swings it about, and then charges Pimento
Scene 2 (Jonothan)
*shot 1-Pimento does a cartwheel to get himself a weapon
*shot 2-MS Pimento and Cherry fence one another
*shot 3-CU Pimento disarms Cherry
*shot 4-CU sword flies through the air
*shot 5-LS sword lands in front of tiki
*shot 6-Cherry retreats to his sword
Scene 3 (Paul)
*shot 1-Pimento chases Cherry towards tiki
*shot 2-Cherry backflips onto tiki
shot 3-Pimento climbs up face of tiki, Cherry swings at him
shot 3(continued)-Pimento backflips to beertaps, Cherry jumps after him
*shot 4-MS Pimento kicks Cherry off the beer taps
*shot 5-CU Cherry flying backwards
*shot 6-Cherry landing
*shot 7-Pimento jumping down at camera
*shot 8-Cherry is stabbed, then he stabs Pimento
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